Friday, June 11, 2010


Rift Valley Dispatches is the main point for information from, and updates about, the 2010 mission trip to Kenya. The trip involves projects including outfitting students with school uniforms, delivering medicines, and maintenance at medical clinics. Members of the team will blog about the trip while in Kenya when internet access is available.
The primary purpose of this post is to help you (the interested reader) take the necessary steps so you can get updates when new information is posted. That said, there are several ways to get updates:
  1. Bookmark this page in your web browser and check it every day or so. Click on Rift Valley Dispatches to be sure you are at the blog's main page, then add a bookmark. This is the least efficient way to find out about updates, but it is simple.
  2. If you want an email update once a day (between 5pm and 7pm EDT) simply enter your email address in the box to the left named "Subscribe via email" then click "Subscribe." A new window will open and you will be asked to type some strange looking letters to verify you are a real person; a confirmation email will be sent to you. Once you get the confirmation email follow the directions to click on a link in the email. Updates (if there are any) will be emailed to you once a day.
  3. If you use Facebook click the "Follow this blog" button on the left. You will be prompted to provide your Facebook login email address and password. In case you are concerned about security this information only goes to Facebook (just like when you login). Facebook needs this information to make sure you are who you claim to be. Once that happens you may be prompted to allow NetworkedBlogs to access your Facebook account. This is because NetworkedBlogs needs to be able to tell you when a new blog entry is posted; if you aren't asked that means you have previously given NetworkedBlogs access to your Facebook account. Once those steps are done updates will appear on Recent News when you are logged into Facebook.
  4. Visit the Rift Valley Dispatch page in Facebook. To find it from Facebook type "Rift Valley Dispatches" in the Search box. Click on Rift Valley Dispatches in the list. If you click the "Like" button updates to the page will be posted to Recent News on your Facebook page.
If you have any questions please feel free to post them in the comments section below and I'll try to reply to them (meaning the answer will appear below your comment) as soon as I can.
Thanks for reading Rift Valley Dispatches, hope you like it!

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